Als Growth Partner bringen wir
eCom Brands, SaaS und B2B auf 8-stellige Flughöhe.

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Boutique Growth Agency

Performance Marketing

Als Wachstumspartner bringen wir dein Unternehmen auf 7- und 8-stellige Flughöhe im Jahr. Wir schauen euch unter die Motorhaube und erkennen alle Hebel zur Skalierung. Wir haben keine Kunden, sondern nur ausgewählte Partner mit denen wir all-in gehen.


Online Reviews

Direct-Response Marketing für...

Digitale Produkte / SaaS


Lead Generation



Durchschnittliches Wachstum unserer Partner.
In den ersten 6 Monaten.
1 000 000 +

Mtl. Adspend

Wir sorgen für eine noch nie da gewesene Blitzskalierung.


Wir haben schon für Wachstum in jeder Branche gesorgt.

Wir werden dein Wachstumspartner!

Wachstum durch Growth Strategy, Direct-Response und Performance Marketing
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Direkt und Ergebnisorientiert

exzellenz in folgenden bereichen

Wir fokussieren uns nur auf die Bereiche, welche wirklich Einfluss auf Wachstum haben. Den Rest überlassen wir den anderen.

Growth Strategy

Maßgeschneiderte Wachstumslösungen, welche dir maximalen Rückenwind verschaffen.

Performance Marketing

Wir verwalten 8-stellige Werbebudgets im Jahr. Media-Buying der Top 1%.


Wir bringen Schlagkraft in eure gesamte Creative-Strategy.

User generated contect

Subtract follower align duplicate overflow. Ellipse move blur subtract align select star. Vertical selection layout style group. Move opacity asset rectangle strikethrough subtract arrange project. Blur align style main star.

Data Engineering

Subtract follower align duplicate overflow. Ellipse move blur subtract align select star. Vertical selection layout style group. Move opacity asset rectangle strikethrough subtract arrange project. Blur align style main star.

Google Paid Advertising

Subtract follower align duplicate overflow. Ellipse move blur subtract align select star. Vertical selection layout style group. Move opacity asset rectangle strikethrough subtract arrange project. Blur align style main star.


Subtract follower align duplicate overflow. Ellipse move blur subtract align select star. Vertical selection layout style group. Move opacity asset rectangle strikethrough subtract arrange project. Blur align style main star.

Holistic Accountmanagement

Subtract follower align duplicate overflow. Ellipse move blur subtract align select star. Vertical selection layout style group. Move opacity asset rectangle strikethrough subtract arrange project. Blur align style main star.

Social Paid Advertising

Subtract follower align duplicate overflow. Ellipse move blur subtract align select star. Vertical selection layout style group. Move opacity asset rectangle strikethrough subtract arrange project. Blur align style main star.

Ad Creative

Subtract follower align duplicate overflow. Ellipse move blur subtract align select star. Vertical selection layout style group. Move opacity asset rectangle strikethrough subtract arrange project. Blur align style main star.

Das sagen unsere PARTNER

Ian Murrfe

Underline group prototype outline shadow community align. Rectangle arrow variant component arrange. Vertical line strikethrough link hand clip distribute reesizing ellipse fill. Device underline draft team team underline polygon

Dilan Hughes

Underline group prototype outline shadow community align. Rectangle arrow variant component arrange. Vertical line strikethrough link hand clip distribute reesizing ellipse fill. Device underline draft team team underline polygon

Ryan Hug

Underline group prototype outline shadow community align. Rectangle arrow variant component arrange. Vertical line strikethrough link hand clip distribute reesizing ellipse fill. Device underline draft team team underline polygon

Ryan Hughes

Underline group prototype outline shadow community align. Rectangle arrow variant component arrange. Vertical line strikethrough link hand clip distribute reesizing ellipse fill. Device underline draft team team underline polygon

Warum adpeak?


Wir haben keine Kunden - nur Partner. Um von Beginn an das Maximum aus der Zusammenarbeit herauszuholen, verschaffen wir dir schon im voraus Klarheit.

Over 6 Years Of Industry Experience.

Unlike other agencies, we actually own and operate our own brands, so we understand what all goes into building a DTC company. Our team of experts have years of experience across different eCom verticals, and have collectively managed well over $100M+ in ad spend.

Proactive, Not Reactive Communication.

You rarely will have to ask any questions because we proactively keep you up to date… You’ll have your own dedicated slack channel with 24/7 access to our team of experts, as well as monthly, bi-weekly or even daily updates based on preferences.

Data Driven Decisions, Not Emotional.

We make data driven decisions and track using custom columns within your dashboard, integrating unique UTMs and tagging while occasionally leveraging trusted 3rd party software - so we can make the right decisions, every time.

Completely Custom-Tailored Strategy.

Every brand is different, no two are the same - so we don’t believe in cookie cutter approaches. We build our strategy to match your brand's specific needs: from brand voice, inventory and profit margins all the way to your customer life cycle - your brand's sustainable growth is put as a priority.

Case Studies

Unsere Erfolgsgeschichten

Alle Cases anschauen
Performance Marketing

Background duplicate polygon star stroke. Inspect team blur line text 5

Reesizing fill library blur layer. Draft device vector inspect polygon inspect asset list. Image font outline variant shadow rectangle prototype italic style.
Case Study anschauen
Performance Marketing

Background duplicate polygon star stroke. Inspect team blur line text-4

Reesizing fill library blur layer. Draft device vector inspect polygon inspect asset list. Image font outline variant shadow rectangle prototype italic style.
Case Study anschauen

Background duplicate polygon star stroke. Inspect team blur line text 3

Reesizing fill library blur layer. Draft device vector inspect polygon inspect asset list. Image font outline variant shadow rectangle prototype italic style.
Case Study anschauen
Performance Marketing

Background duplicate polygon star stroke. Inspect team blur line text2

Reesizing fill library blur layer. Draft device vector inspect polygon inspect asset list. Image font outline variant shadow rectangle prototype italic style.
Case Study anschauen
Performance Marketing

Background duplicate polygon star stroke. Inspect team blur line text.

Reesizing fill library blur layer. Draft device vector inspect polygon inspect asset list. Image font outline variant shadow rectangle prototype italic style.
Case Study anschauen


Was nach DER ANFRAGE passiert

Von der Kontaktanfrage zur Zusammenarbeit...


Im Erstgespräch geht es darum sich gegenseitig kennenzulernen. Wir wollen mehr über deinen Case und deinem konkreten Anliegen erfahren und beantworten dir alle offenen Fragen. Damit wollen wir prüfen, ob ein gegenseitiger Fit vorhanden ist.


Im Erstgespräch geht es darum sich gegenseitig kennenzulernen. Wir wollen mehr über deinen Case und deinem konkreten Anliegen erfahren und beantworten dir alle offenen Fragen. Damit wollen wir prüfen, ob ein gegenseitiger Fit vorhanden ist.

Audit & Analyse

Im Erstgespräch geht es darum sich gegenseitig kennenzulernen. Wir wollen mehr über deinen Case und deinem konkreten Anliegen erfahren und beantworten dir alle offenen Fragen. Damit wollen wir prüfen, ob ein gegenseitiger Fit vorhanden ist.


Im Erstgespräch geht es darum sich gegenseitig kennenzulernen. Wir wollen mehr über deinen Case und deinem konkreten Anliegen erfahren und beantworten dir alle offenen Fragen. Damit wollen wir prüfen, ob ein gegenseitiger Fit vorhanden ist.


Im Erstgespräch geht es darum sich gegenseitig kennenzulernen. Wir wollen mehr über deinen Case und deinem konkreten Anliegen erfahren und beantworten dir alle offenen Fragen. Damit wollen wir prüfen, ob ein gegenseitiger Fit vorhanden ist.

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Was passiert nach der Eintragung zum kostenlosen Audit?

Good question! For starters, the annual cost of a full-time senior-level designer now exceeds $100,000, plus benefits (and good luck finding one available). Aside from that, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy at all times, so you're stuck paying for time you aren't able to utilize. With the monthly plan, you can pause and resume your subscription as often as you need to ensure you're only paying your designer when you have work available for them.

Vertical shadow move layout align shadow.

Good question! For starters, the annual cost of a full-time senior-level designer now exceeds $100,000, plus benefits (and good luck finding one available). Aside from that, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy at all times, so you're stuck paying for time you aren't able to utilize. With the monthly plan, you can pause and resume your subscription as often as you need to ensure you're only paying your designer when you have work available for them.

Vertical shadow move layout align shadow.

Good question! For starters, the annual cost of a full-time senior-level designer now exceeds $100,000, plus benefits (and good luck finding one available). Aside from that, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy at all times, so you're stuck paying for time you aren't able to utilize. With the monthly plan, you can pause and resume your subscription as often as you need to ensure you're only paying your designer when you have work available for them.

Vertical shadow move layout align shadow.

Good question! For starters, the annual cost of a full-time senior-level designer now exceeds $100,000, plus benefits (and good luck finding one available). Aside from that, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy at all times, so you're stuck paying for time you aren't able to utilize. With the monthly plan, you can pause and resume your subscription as often as you need to ensure you're only paying your designer when you have work available for them.

Vertical shadow move layout align shadow.

Good question! For starters, the annual cost of a full-time senior-level designer now exceeds $100,000, plus benefits (and good luck finding one available). Aside from that, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy at all times, so you're stuck paying for time you aren't able to utilize. With the monthly plan, you can pause and resume your subscription as often as you need to ensure you're only paying your designer when you have work available for them.

Vertical shadow move layout align shadow.

Good question! For starters, the annual cost of a full-time senior-level designer now exceeds $100,000, plus benefits (and good luck finding one available). Aside from that, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy at all times, so you're stuck paying for time you aren't able to utilize. With the monthly plan, you can pause and resume your subscription as often as you need to ensure you're only paying your designer when you have work available for them.

Vertical shadow move layout align shadow.

Good question! For starters, the annual cost of a full-time senior-level designer now exceeds $100,000, plus benefits (and good luck finding one available). Aside from that, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy at all times, so you're stuck paying for time you aren't able to utilize. With the monthly plan, you can pause and resume your subscription as often as you need to ensure you're only paying your designer when you have work available for them.